Becky and I so appreciate your applications
to be on our design team. We had an
overwhelming response to this call...
so many designers applied!
It was a very hard decison as each person's
artwork was so unique. In the end we
choose 3 people not just one in diffrent
venues which will be good advertising
for them and also for us.
To those whom we did not choose....
Your artwork was splendid and we hated
to say no to you or any one else.
Thank you again for all who answered the call!
We hope you go far with your beautiful designs!
Our new Design Team members are:
Terri Garr - Jewelry
Georgia Lichon - Jewelry
Joane Duran - Jewelry
Ruth Hodgson - Collage Art
Ruth is also a new member and has been a
great customer for years. We didn't forget you
Sweet Ruth, your page just hasn't been created yet!
Since Lynne is so far behind on everything, please
allow her the time to get the new member's pages
She's treading water as fast as she can!
We will post links to their work as soon
as the pages are ready to view.
Thank you again and XXX to All
Lynne & Becky